Like I’ve said in other reviews about other books I’ve read by J.M. Erickson (and there have been several!) is even if I’m not 100% sold on the plot, or some characters don’t totally do it for me, the way he writes is just so darn fluid and authentic… this delicate balance between beautiful literary prose and hardcore sci-fi techie narrative. It’s almost mesmerizing, and pulls us along like we are there inside the story as it all unfolds (or collapses, as it may be). Each chapter end makes you want to keep reading, and I have to commend Mr. Erickson on the way he writes such kick-butt female leads. Nice to see characters like Perez and Christine, and are some of the most dynamic, believable characters I’ve encountered.
Plot wise, this is not a book to be rushed through… in fact, I feel there is much to think about, and deeper messages about humanity, how we treat out planet, where we come from and why we are here… is this all part of Intelligent Design? Highly recommend for fans of intelligent science fiction/adventure with a literary/philosophical twist. - (5 stars) Sam Ryan– Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers
J.M. Erickson has such an incredible way with words; his descriptions are vivid yet simple and not overdone; you see what the characters are seeing, you feel what they are feeling; you feel like you are there. I felt like I was experiencing what they were. “Intelligent Design II: Apocalypse” was very hard to put down, as I had to know how everything would turn out. Each time I did have to stop reading I was thinking about what I’d just read. After an admittedly slower start, the fast-paced tempo of the writing built at a steady pace, with more than one shocking twist along the way.
Erickson is a great storyteller and writer. His prose is effortless, yet strong and the same time. Conversations felt natural, with each character having a fully developed personality that made them feel distinct. Nothing I hate more than reading a book where every character ‘sounds’ the same.
It had been some time since I read this first book, and this one picks up shortly after the first ends (so read them in order) but Mr. Erickson does a great job of catching us up to speed in the very beginning. And I always like the quotes he does at the beginning of each chapter. Really sets the tone and is fitting. A great series, one I can’t recommend enough. - (5 stars) Karen Matthews, Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers
Intelligent Design II is the first book I’ve read from this author, but I think he’ll be one to watch. I liked that he wasn’t afraid to take chances and push limits. The writing is very good—intelligent, suspenseful, descriptive and disturbingly honest. It is pretty evenly-paced, but for me it got really crazy good during the last half or so when it all started to blow up…No lack of explosive drama here! Try and be bored reading this… just try. I dare ya! But seriously, this was one roller coaster ride that I was not expecting...
Mr. Erickson uses great word economy and doesn’t bore us with too many unnecessary details, but the descriptions are totally on point. This s an author who fortunately totally understands the concept of ‘show, don’t tell!’ Fast, focused, and to the point, “Intelligent Design II” is a keeper, and I’m definitely checking out his other works soon! - (4 stars) Claire Middleton, Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers
Awesome. I almost feel like I read five books instead of one, so much happened! Once I started reading this book I didn’t want to put it down until I’d finished. Seemed never a good place just to stop for a while as the action continued to build and build. Some pretty far out there scenarios that come to life, but well-executed. Love the scenes with Perez and the fighter team the best – those girls are awesome, great energy and dialogue. I personally feel that there could have been a bit more depth to the characters, and some scenes seemed a bit too rushed, and not explained enough. There were so, so many characters and for a shorter book it seemed like overkill at times. Liked the ending, though, and didn’t expect some things to happen that did. Glad to see this author has a few other series out there, will be reading those as well. Recommend to fans of SciFi, action, adventure, space-opera, dystopian. - (4 stars) Anabella Johnson. Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers
Independent Book Reviews
Intelligent Design II: Apocalypse
I just finished Intelligent Design II: Apocalypse by J. M. Erickson, the follow up sequel to Intelligent Design: Revelations. While this is really not normally the type of book I’d gravitate to (I’m more into contemporary novels) and in the beginning, I admit that I really wasn’t sure if I’d really be into it, but once I was about 25% in I was totally hooked and didn’t want to stop until I’d reached the end. There are some riveting and amazing concepts in this book, and the writing is great. I would describe this as a sci-fi/thriller/drama, but there was also great dialogue (my favorite part of the book) and crazy plot twists, and solid character development. So you will definitely stay interested.
I liked how Mr. Erickson blends what is ‘real’ but gives it a whole new spin in the universe (literally) and crates his own rules and seems to have a great time doing it. But there are deeper questions and themes explored here if one chooses to look beyond just the obvious “space sci/fi story” and the theory behind “Intelligent Design” is complex and fascinating. A great pair of books for any hardline science fiction fan, but also has outside-genre appeal as well. - (5 stars), Jenna Brewster, Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers
I really should know by now that even if I ever wonder if I’m going to “like” the book I’m reading by J.M. Erickson, I need to remember that by the time I finish, I will be blown away… as always! Time and time again this author amazes me with his fearless, inventive, and highly detailed & realized plotlines and elaborate world-building. And what’s even more impressive is the amount of complexity and multi-layered plots we get in a shorter space…. “Intelligent Design II: Apocalypse” isn’t some hefty Sci/Fi tome, but probably novella length (or abouts), and I finished it pretty quickly…. But there is a lot to absorb and at times I did feel a little lost. But even when I felt some things going over my head, it all eventually came together in the end… which felt a bit anticlimactic, actually but was overall satisfying. Needs to be read after the first one as it all ties together (this is not a standalone). - (4-5 stars) Stacy Decker, Goodreads; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers